New Pathways
Identifiying and Promoting Best-Practice
in Supporting Long-Term Unemployed Adults into Education Pathways
New Pathways
The New Pathways project is an Erasmus+ KA2 Small-Scale project that aimed to identify and promote innovative best practices that support long-term unemployed adults to overcome access barriers and find educational pathways to higher quality employment.
The project was implemented from March 2022 till August 2023 (18 months) by 5 partner organizations.
Our consortium consisted of traditional and non-traditional Adult Education actors. We believed by bringing together service providers (P1), migrant-led NGOs (P2, P3) and educational NGOs (P4, P5), we could create space over 18-months and 280 days of mobility and exchange, for ‚New Pathways‘ to emerge. While diverse in backgrounds, our partners shared the same values, and looked to act inequalities and barriers faced by migrant communities, especially long-term unemployed adults, in accessing quality education and employment opportunities.
We looked to empower the consortium’s NGOs, particularly those inexperienced in coordinating KA2 projects, by facilitating exchange of best practices, promoting inter-organizational learning, and enhancing capacities for more impactful interventions in our future work.

Project Consortium
P1 IWM – Gesellschaft für internationale Wirtschaftsförderung und Management mbH (Germany)
P2 CGE – Culture goes Europe Erfurt e.V. (Germany)
P3 Eurobug – International Youth Work Training and Collaboration Limited (Ireland)
P4 Citizens Act – Centre of Active Citizens for Sustainable Development (Cyprus)
P5 Youthtopia – Heraklion Youth Organisation (Greece)
Project Activities & Results
Kick-Off Meeting | March 2022 (Hybrid: Erfurt, Germany & Online)
Output: European and National Indexes
Overview of organizations visited
Insights into our Study-Visit to Germany
Study-Visit Ireland (March 2023)
Insights into our Study Visit to Ireland
Study-Visit Cyprus (Mai 2023)
Insights into our Study Visit to Cyprus
Final Evaluation Meeting and Closing Conference (August 2023)
Insights into our Publication: Activities & Learnings
Click on the map to have a visual overview of the pathways of our consortium.
During the study visits, our staff members engaged in in-depth discussions, interviews, consultations, and other engagements with the host organizations. This process was crucial in ensuring that the insights and experiences gained from these visits could be effectively related back to their home context. By fostering these connections, we ensured that the lessons learned could be effectively integrated and utilized in our work, rather than remaining unapplied due to a perceived lack of relevance to our local realities. This comprehensive and hands-on approach facilitated an intensive learning experience, directly contributing to the capacity-building goal of our project and the enhancement of our support strategies for the targeted groups.

Erasmus+: Key Action 2 – Small-scale partnerships in adult education
Project number: 2021-2-DE02-KA210-ADU-000050168
Duration: 18 months. Start: 01.03.2022 End: 31.08.2023